"I wanted my daughter to do better than me at school"

When I first started HIPPY, I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t really care what I was going to be doing specifically, so long as it helped my daughter do better than I did at school. When I thought of learning it was a hard and difficult thing. Structured. Disciplined. Work. It was not something to enjoy or to love, it was something that was done to you, and that’s exactly how I had been doing it with my daughter.

As I was told that HIPPY’s curriculum was connected to the one used at schools, I decided to give it a go, even when I thought we were just playing games. Because of the smiles that my daughter now gave me instead of the tears, I listened. Because of the pride that my daughter felt when I used behaviour-specific praise, I learned. Because of the Tutor that helped me, I was able to help others.

I became a HIPPY Tutor and stayed with the program that had offered me so much so that I could do the same for others.

HIPPY parent and Tutor

I had doubts about whether I was good enough or capable. I didn’t do well in school, and I lacked confidence in my own abilities even though I prided myself on determination and flexibility, but I was lucky and able to work alongside my mentor and others who made the team.

We came from all walks of life and yet still found ourselves here with HIPPY, trying to be the best versions of ourselves. I took up every opportunity I could to learn more and grow as a person. I began to feel self-worth, self-awareness and compassion for myself; to not always expect the worst and challenge my own perceptions and ignorance.

I’m now studying and making plans for my family and our future.

HIPPY parent and Tutor

HIPPY has opened my eyes to the possibilities to life, not only for my daughters, but for myself as well. My two girls are more knowledgeable, capable and kinder people because I have been able to support them in the areas that truly matter: patience, persistence, sharing and a love of learning.

They say HIPPY is a two-year program, but what I have learned will last me a lifetime and I can never thank HIPPY enough for that.

HIPPY parent and Tutor

*Stock photo used to protect the identity of this family